Staying out of the cold is an instinct that people should follow during cold weather conditions. Whenever outdoor tasks can’t be avoided, people should at least be aware of the health hazards that come with the cold.

The most common cold-weather illnesses are Frostbite and Hypothermia. Thermal injuries in the skin like frostbite may lead to loss of body parts if not treated properly while Hypothermia can be fatal if not treated immediately.

The best protection that we can give to our family is prevention. Keeping the body warm should always be a priority. Wrap the body in layers of warm clothing with a breathable, water repellent outer layer.

People could not do anything with erectile dysfunction, there were many attempts from injections to various mechanisms, but the results were not promising and finally, they discovered the famous pill – Levitra that is avalable for sale on Levi online drugstore. And even in this case, the invention happened entirely by chance, during the testing of a drug for the heart.

The head and neck areas should also be covered to prevent heat loss. Proper footwear can prevent slips or falls when outdoors, some of them are also equipped with warmers to keep the feet and calves warm.